
Dr. Soetanto Abdoellah, Chairman
Dewan Kakao Indonesia / Indonesian Cocoa Board (ICB)
Improving Yields to Meet Local Demand – Indonesia’s Challenge

Dr Soetanto has a Ph.D. in Soil Science. Since 1981 he has been a researcher for Indonesian Coffe and Cocoa Research Institute (ICCRI), the last position at this institute is Chairman of the Scientific Board. Since 2012 up to now he is appointed as a Chairman of the Indonesian Cocoa Board (ICB).

Dr. Misnawi completed his undergraduate degree as a graduate in Agriculture Science (Horticulture Science specialization in Plant Breeding) in 1990 at University of Muhammadiyah Jember. His Master Degree was completed in 2001 and graduated as Master of Science (MSc.) at University of Putra Malaysia. His Post Harvest Doctor (PhD) title was earned by the completion of doctorate degree in Food Science and Biotechnology with specialization in Food Chemistry and Biochemistry at University of Putra Malaysia in 2004. Dr. Misnawi is a very active researcher who has published numerous scientific journals and research reports as sole author and as well as co-author. His works can be found in journals, magazines, proceedings in Indonesia and abroad as well. In addition to his formal educations, various trainings, workshops and courses has been completed in his relentless pursue of knowledge which includes IG in Paris and Switzerland, numerous certification program (UTZ Certified, CAFE Practices, 4C, Organic and many more), Hazard Analytical Control Point (HACCP), Sensory Test for Coffee, Publication and Management of Agriculture Magazine (Penerbitan dan Pengelolaan Majalah Pertanian), scientific writing and presentation, statistical analysis, website design, and agriculture machineries and tools. Awards and recognition for Dr. Misnawi’s contribution in the scientific and educational worlds are proof of validation to his works by his peers.

Andi Sitti Asmayanti is Cocoa Life South East Asia Director for Mondelēz International (formerly Kraft Foods). She is responsible to develop Mondelēz International’ Cocoa Life strategy, plan and program in South-East Asia, including managing key cocoa sustainability issue , risk and opportunities, building external stakeholder relationship, commissioning appropriate research, planning programme activities and selecting partners. Her responsibilities cover sustainable of cocoa farming, empowering cocoa community to sourcing alignment, working alongside sourcing, research and corporate government function.
She has had 19 years of experience in cocoa industry, working on business strategy, sourcing strategy and sustainable cocoa development. She has been heavily engage with development of a long term sustainable cocoa supply chain, development and implementation of cocoa certification, strategic and program implementation, cocoa farmer’s empowerment, technology transfer of good cocoa farming practice, supply chain management, public private partnership and stakeholder’s relations. And engage intensively with farmers, private sectors, NGOs, government, and many international donor agencies
She previously worked in Mars Incorporated, was responsible for lead Commercial and bean sourcing operations and their sustainability cocoa program in Indonesia.
She holds a Master of Business Administration in Finance Management from Hasanuddin University, in Indonesia, and is currently a Master of Business Administration in Organizational and Strategy candidate. And since 2010 serves on the supervisory board of Cocoa Sustainability Partnership in Indonesia.

Dr. Ir. Muhammad Aj-Djabri, MS
Dr. Ir. Muhammad Aj-Djabri, MS. adalah peneliti utama di bidang kesuburan tanah dan biologi tanah, pada kelompok peneliti di Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Lahan Pertanian.
Sebagai peneliti, hingga saat ini telah menghasilkan sebanyak 98 karya tulis ilmiah, baik ditulis sendiri maupun yang ditulis bersama peneliti lain. Muhamad Al Djabri memasuki masa purnabakti terhitung mulai tanggal 1 Oktober 2011.
Muhammad Al-Jabri memperoleh gelar sarjana pertanian (Ir) (jurusan Teknik Pertanian) pada tahun 1972 di Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB). Mendapatkan gelar Magister Sains (MS) (jurusan Kesuburan Tanah) pada tahun 1987 di Fakultas Pascasarjana, IPB. Selanjutnya gelar Ph. D/Dr (jurusan Kesuburan Tanah) pada tahun 2002 di Fakultas Pascasarjana, Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung.
Guna menunjang kompetensinya sebagai peneliti, yang bersangkutan pernah mengikuti beberapa pelatihan yang sesuai dengan bidang ilmu yang ditekuni, antara lain: 1) Tahun 1976 pelatihan Transfer of Agrotechnology dari Benchmark Soil Project di Filipina pada tahun 1976; 2) Tahun 1979-1980 pelatihan Soil Fertility/Soil and Plant Analysis, Agricultural University at Wageningen, The Netherlands; 3) Tahun 1980-1981 pelatihan The Chemistry and Soil Testing, Institute for Soil.
Jenjang fungsional Ahli Peneliti Utama diperoleh pada tahun 2008. Pada 19 Juli 2011 telah dikukuhkan sebagai Profesor riset setalah menyampaikan orasi ilmiah berjudul: Teknologi Uji Tanah untuk Penyusunan Rekomendasi Pemupukan Berimbang Tanaman Padi Sawah. Dia merupakan Profesor Riset ke-91 Badan Litbang Pertanian atau ke-342 di tingkat Nasional.
